August 20, 2008

Calorie Table

Highly Informative and Super Shocking

We mostly believe that veg. can never be high in calorie and we can easily munch on them as much as we want. They are a source a fibre and roughage and are healthy for our body. You are right! They are good for health. Though if you can, then do opt for the healthier and fibrous forms of these vegetables.

  • Always bake a potato and avoid deep frying them. They have the tendency to absorb a lot of oil and also retain their starch. During baking the starch portion evaporates and you are left left with a healthier potato.
  • We all love boiled corn. Even though they have a lot of fibre, never did we know that they also carry so many calories. Imagine having a cup of corn at a stall and adding a cube of butter in it. You are welcoming a good 200 calorie snack in your body.

Amazing Tip: Broccoli makes your body burn more energy in digesting it than your gain in consuming it. It is called a negative calorie food. Some others are carrot, cucumber, beet, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, zucchini, garlic. For those who love these, hog on!!

When it comes to fruits, I am crazy for mangoes. Can easily have 2-3 in a day. You cant completely stop having your favorite fruit but you can quickly redesign your intake during the rest of the day.

Amazing tip: Apple is low in calorie but your body burns more energy in digesting it. Some more such fruits are: orange, strawberry, papaya, grape fruits, cranberries. If you love these, you rock!

Sweets!!! who doesnt love them...Though you are blessed if you dont have a sweet tooth. Even a single piece of anything finishes 1/3 rd of your calorie intake for the day.

  • Honey has a higher sweetening power than sugar. This means you can use less honey than sugar to achieve the desired sweetness. Hence indirectly it has lesser calories, healthful antioxidants and pre-biotic properties which scientists say may be better than table sugar for people who want to lose weight. In a series of experiments involving healthy subjects and those with either high cholesterol or type 2 diabetes, honey has proved itself the healthiest sweetener.

Tip: Try to use sugar free if you have major sugar cravings. Though when you need to chose between anything fried or sweet, go for fried. Mostly fried will have lesser calories than sweets.

Life Savers - Less than 100 calorie desserts:
  • Try 1/2 cup light vanilla ice cream with 2 tablespoons frozen raspberries. 100 cal
  • Half a slice of angel food cake with 1 tablespoon thawed, frozen light whipped topping and one maraschino cherry. 94 cal

Snacks are the most common pass time of the day. They are super tasty and damn addictive. At any point of time they takeaway at least 200 calories from your daily requirement. Can you imagine a single pakora has 200 calories!! How many did you have last time...6 or 7 :)

SaCheez specialises in the area of tasty healthy low calorie snacks. It offers over 50 varieties of sandwiches and snacks which are mouth watering and will also keep your health under control.

  • You cant always choose your food based on calories. They are other things like fibre and nutritional contents that also matter. Though in case of snacks, most of them can be categorized as unhealthy or empty calories.
  • Low calorie snack doesn't intend non-tasty snack.

Tip: If given a chance, go for tasty roasted snacks or even a cup of boiled corns without butter.

Life Savers - Less than 100 calorie snacks:

  • 1 boiled egg, half sliced tomato with 1 teaspoon yellow mustard and one leaf lettuce on one slice toasted light whole-wheat bread. 90 cal.
  • Three toasted 1/4-in.-thick slices Italian bread, topped with 3 tablespoons chopped tomatoes, 1/2 teaspoon olive oil, minced garlic and fresh basil. 79 cal.
  • Suji Idli (2 pieces) have only 16 calories whereas rice idlis have 130 calories :)

Most of us cant do without a chicken a day. Since it makes for a whole meal when taken with rice or bread, its acceptable to consume 300-400 calories.

Tip: Grill, roast or bake a dish after marinating it in curd or lemon or mustard. This will ask for less or practically no oil and will also enhance the taste when cooked slowly. You will be able to forgo 50% calories through this. Since meat is mostly fat it is preferred to avoid frying it in more fat (oil). Also, the skin of any meat is where most fat is stored. If possible, remove the skin. About two thirds of the fat in chicken is in the skin.
Life Savers - Less than 100 calorie meat:
  • 1-oz light roasted turkey breast, with 1 teaspoon yellow mustard and one leaf romaine lettuce on one slice toasted light whole-wheat bread. 94 cal.
  • Seven medium shrimp with lemon to taste. 70 cal.

Enjoy your meal!

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