August 2, 2008

Finally...Aug 2nd 2008

It was way back in 2006 that I was introduced to blog writing, had no clue what it was. I mean why shud I write something on the web...rather WHAT shud I write on the web. Got a reply "anything you want". Well what is the idea behind it..."share something interesting with people". Aha!! So thats it, you need to have something INTERESTING to share. Now, from where do I get THAT!!

A few years later, I do feel more confident writing something on web. Have a lot of things to share about diet, health, fitness, calories, weight loss, low cal food and wht not. I can surely drive you nuts with my calorie equations. But then it is worth it if you end up losing 5 kgs in less than a month.

I am often approached by friends, colleagues, unknowns and even parlour ladies to help them lose weight. This happens once they come to know that I lost 28 kgs on my own. Trust me!! the word spreads like crazy...atleast at the work place. Parlour ladies are smart to figure out on their own that I have lost a lot of weight...may be the stretch marks left behind support their hypothesis.

But I am super happy with the result, even though I dont fully support the steps I took back then to desperately lose weight. Although, any teenager will do anything if he/she weighs more than their father (85kgs) at the age of just 16. Isnt that the age to wear the most amazing clothes...but just FYI..weight was never the barrier for me :) Even though the only critic, my brother, could not open his eyes and look at me. He called me a walking talking "crowd" coz of my area...hahahahaha

I have worked on several health aspects over the years and have come out to be more learned about food intake, calories, low cal recipes, daily regime etc. Now, I feel there is a lot to share with you guys out there who believe in losing all that extra by not doing anything extra.

Welcome to the gang!

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