August 25, 2008

How to make Brown Bread?

most healthy and nutritious bread
This is the most basic and commonly used bread in every household. This is a lot like the basic milk bread but a much more healthier version. Once you mater the basics, you can play with different version of bread with much ease and confidence and try some exotic breads.
Ingredients: 500 gm wheat flour, 2 tsp dry yeast, 1.5 tsp salt, 175ml milk, 175ml water, loads of love and patience
Glaze: Milk
Time taken: 10 mins to make the dough
Rising: 1.5 hrs
Proving: 1 hr
Baking: 35-40 mins at 220c preheated oven
Mix yeast in 100ml tepid milk and water mixture for 5 mins. Add 1/2 of remaining milk mixture too and mix. Mix flour and salt and make a well and add milk yeast mixture. Slowly keep adding the remaining milk mixture to ma
ke a sticky dough and move to the slightly floured surface. (for pics see basic milk bread)

Knead for 10 mins and make into a ball and put in a greased glass bowl for 45 mins to rise. Knock back the dough and keep it for rising again for 45 mins till it doubles in size. (for pics see basic milk bread)

Remove the ball from the bowl and move to a lightly floured surface and roll length wise. Tuck the ends and place the dough in a greased tin for 1 hr with ends downward. Cover with tea towel. Let the dough rise 1 inch above the top of tin. (for pics see basic milk bread)

Brush the top of the loaf with milk glaze and add sesame seeds if desired and place in the preheated oven for 35-40 mins until the top is golden brown and hollow sounding when tappen at the bottom. Place at 220c for 15-20 mins and then reduce the temp to 200c for the remaining time. Switch off the top rod after 20 mins else the top of the bread will become very hard.
Once done, keep the bread on a wire rack. Cut the slices when its completely cool.

Important tips: Never refrigerate freshly baked bread as it dehydrated the bread and makes it hard. Always keep in a bread cloth or tea towel and it will remain fresh for 3-4 days. I did this mistake the first time I baked bread and it made my bread stale too quickly. Also avoid microvawing as this also evaporates the moisture from the bread.

Must have for: Diabetic patients and digestion problems.

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