September 24, 2008


same product with different packaging...
Calories: 80

You need (for 16):
  • pizza dough
  • 2 capsicums chopped
  • 2 onions chopped
  • 2 tomatoes chopped
  • 8 mushrooms sliced
  • 200gm cheese grated
  • pizza sauce
  • oregano and salt
  • red chili flakes
After the doughhas risen, form 8 equally sized balls out of it. Roll them into a square and then cut from the diagonal to make it into a triangle. Apply pizza sauce on it. Now, roll the base into a cone shape. Mix cheese, capsicum, onion, tomato and mushroom together. Shower it with oregano, salt and chili flakes. Pour the filling into the cone. Alternatively, you can pour the filling first on the base and then make it into a cone. As you find easy. Glaze the cone with salt water and sprinkle sesame seeds on it. Bake in the preheated oven on a lightly oiled baking sheet for 15 min at 200c.

Healthier Option: try out this dough using wheat flour as it will take care of many other nutrients as well. Like I always say, play around with the fillings from capsicum to chicken, pepper to pepperoni, tomato to tuna. Try anything and it wont turn out to be less than good.

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