September 25, 2008

Egg and Tomato Salad

Calories: 200

This Filipino styled salad is very simple and easy to make.

You need:
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 chopped tomatoes
  • salad dressing
  • salt and pepper
  • parsley or coriander fresh
Take eggs and boil them. Once peeled cut them into small pieces. Add finely chopped tomatoes and salad dressing to the egg mixture and sprinkle with salt, black pepper and parsley. The result will be a sticky paste. Put in fridge and let the flavors settle in for at least 10-15 min. Have it anytime with Italian bread toast or as a filling in a bread.


Anonymous said...

Any suggestions, on a good salad dressing? The dressings are what increase the calorie count.....

SaCheez...Just good taste said...

For this salad you may choose between mayo or cream cheese. 1 tbsp of fat free mayo will have only 10 calories.
1 tbsp of Low fat cheese spread has only 20 calories which you can easily afford for dinner or lunch.